Today is a gloomy day

Today..... is a not-so-wonderful-or-rather-bad day... Received an e-mail from this client who think his money is so fucking great. Doubting my ability is not a good thing to do for anyone in the world. I thought United State people are more understanding, but the very first time when I deal with American just gave me a i-am-a-kiasu-american feel.

There are many people just don't understand how I.T. works, client however shall give a reasonable timing for development team, it's not you want it then it will be there, as many many research in this world and corporate, requirement creeping is no good.

Communication and understanding of each other work is very important. While this client already put his gf in the position to handle everything in the development. Then please do not bother. While he has been reading all the carbon copy email in our communication, that does not mean he knows 100% of the content shall represent.

It's really demoralizing when it comes to client who will demand refund? for a unfinished project which has a lot of requirement creeping. Being a big shot in other industry doesn't mean that you are good in I.T. too, knowing a lil bit of web creation skill doesn't mean that you know everything in I.T. development! Maybe that's what we always think "orang kasar" don't know what is I.T.

Malas nak cakap dah.. bodoh punya client