first post from iPhone

101 Post! HAHA

WAHAHA My blog went up to 101st post!


How was today? It's a................................................................ below average day.

Suppose to think that web development is an easy job, but it's a hell no... What's more with the upcoming project? I'm a little lost track.. I feel so incapable since losing the very first client and unable to finish the first project handled by me.

For a person who hate to lose like me, this isn't something that will makes me happy. What can I do? I also don't know man.. It's just plain...... hard to accept. B4 this I thought I can finish every job up to quality but it's always sub quality. I just can't take it anymore. I need to upgrade my working quality.

I vow to help my dad in administration but yet.. I have not start..

I vow to continue my FYP but I procrastinate...

I vow to finish my task properly.. but I failed..

But I am no failure! I will bounce back and face the up coming challenge.

Sometimes I wonder if it's because the environment that has weaken me? Or I am just plain lazy? Sometimes I do think that my physical health is a contraint.. I am just giving myself too much reasons!


Today is a gloomy day

Today..... is a not-so-wonderful-or-rather-bad day... Received an e-mail from this client who think his money is so fucking great. Doubting my ability is not a good thing to do for anyone in the world. I thought United State people are more understanding, but the very first time when I deal with American just gave me a i-am-a-kiasu-american feel.

There are many people just don't understand how I.T. works, client however shall give a reasonable timing for development team, it's not you want it then it will be there, as many many research in this world and corporate, requirement creeping is no good.

Communication and understanding of each other work is very important. While this client already put his gf in the position to handle everything in the development. Then please do not bother. While he has been reading all the carbon copy email in our communication, that does not mean he knows 100% of the content shall represent.

It's really demoralizing when it comes to client who will demand refund? for a unfinished project which has a lot of requirement creeping. Being a big shot in other industry doesn't mean that you are good in I.T. too, knowing a lil bit of web creation skill doesn't mean that you know everything in I.T. development! Maybe that's what we always think "orang kasar" don't know what is I.T.

Malas nak cakap dah.. bodoh punya client

Opsss no updates recently?

It's a very busy week since boss left to U.S. Handling requirement creeping is certainly not a thing that every software developers like. So do I, and more importantly it is not a good thing to have a client who don't even know anything about I.T. and want to everything in super high-tech and low price. It will not be a good day for you when they think the changes they want can be done in a few clicks... How naive is people nowadays? So my dear client.. don't expect to see any changes til Monday as I still want to spend my weekend nicely, quietly and joyfully :P

Why everyone who see my phone says I shall change my phone? Seriously My SE S700i serves me well you see, it's a LEGENDARY phone! Maybe it's because the housing looks like shit. Hmm... What can I do? I don't want to spend RM300 for a original housing. And I'm getting tired of people telling me my dearest phone plain old and fugly! I know I know everyone has their nice phone.. how many pixels, how many GIGs, how good what good, nah...... My next phone gonna pawn yours! LOL! My new phone is coming soon! Very Soon!

9 Days and counting!

It's gonna be another LEGENDARY babe!

Sometimes I wonder if I'm still slow in learning things, but sometimes I think I am fast but the thing is I think I'm slow sometimes.. I shall gear up I guess.... Nevertheless.. I learned a lot of things since I start working. And I realised that APIIT subject is just plain useless at some point, it's still how capable u can adapt to the pace of the technology and soft skills is bloody important too.

What degree I get? Second Upper but my aggregate is 75.5% I'm gonna bising on next Wednesday at APIIT. You beware APIIT!!!!! I nak robohkan APIIT! Anyway please please don't go APIIT, it's just plain stupid college who collecting money from student and their "import" seriously are messing with its name.


Nothing to update...

K la.. just kidding,

Where have I been recently? While all the time I am at office learning new things. I wonder if the biggest fears I predicted last time has really come true, actually this scenario has also brought me into my BIT course. But nevertheless I believe I have made all my decision correctly. Even after entering Juz-IT, though it is small, but I do learn freaking lots of new IT stuff that never have a chance to come across last time. I'm like losing my social life le.. everyday after work will just go home, it's very very very very bored! I think I shall come with something new! HOHOHO

Today I went to the Microsoft 2008 product launching event, pictures? Don't have le.. Allan has a pariah phone and paiseh to take it out to show everyone :P Microsoft is seriously damn geng! You will not able to imagine what things they wanted to do with the IT market. I personally think they are trying to take over the whole IT industry.

How about my co? Hahaha there will be changes after April, more and more people will come in, and I will get the position I desired. Feasible or not? I'm not sure, but as usual, "If you think you can, you can!" Now I'm thinking of getting a new laptop, shall I? Or shall I not? Boss is going to US, shall I ask him to get me an iPhone or shall I wait for the iPhone with firmware 2.0?


Let's don't think that much.. I think I shall go sleep now and have a better tomorrow! :P
