Random Feeling

It's 2:21 am now... I'm not asleep yet.... Why? I'm not sure either....

Actually I am not very happy now, though everything ends, it seems I have something more serious matter awaiting me. I have no one to talk to about this matter, so I guess my room is the best place for me to puke out all my "secret"?

When I woke up today... When I thought I will have nothing to worry about...... less than 15 minutes of clear and free mind..... here it comes...

The "M" problems remain exist....... I totally have no idea why shall I have to take care of their problems, why can't I have a normal young adult life? It's always like that... I wonder why? I shall have guess it all when out of sudden in the morning when she took all the UT summary paper all over the floor.. Why the heck I need to bear all their wrongdoing? Do I have to?

Shouldn't one must responsible for their mistake? Why have I need to bother?

Why can't I have the care free feeling I suppose to have like all my friend? Why everything need to put on my shoulder... I'm only 22, yet I have to think like 32. Sometimes I doubt if this is a good thing or a bad thing, it somehow this problem also lead me to have the "M" attitude.

I pray for god that they can have a better mind set, stop having childish mindset, please do not watch the Taiwan "38" shows anymore.... I have sick of it that you shall not even thought of.. WTF with you? Adulteries is not the thing u shall think, go think how to make our life better. Collect all the debt people owe you before you have to pay for your debt.

Think smartly, learn learn learn!!!!!! WHY U STOP ONLY AT HERE!!!!! I HATE YOU!! I HATE STUPID PEOPLE!!! HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Update yourself!!!

I'm tired............ I sacrifice my dream for you all, I convinced myself dream is always a dream, will my sacrifices payoff? I don't know either.....

I just hope it will.... I don't need you to pay me sky high value, I hope you improve, improve your mind, improve our behavior, improve our life, have a better lifestyle....................

I hope everything will better after I have more control... I seriously hope so.....