It's Friday night, yet I stayed at home doing nothing. Blogging and leaving tonnes of unread books lying on the floor in the room.
Has recently felt a lot of unease in my mind. Financial, relationship, personal interest, career advancement, future, game plan, and family affairs.
My mum used to tell me the more you earn the more you spend, which I don't really understand until recently. Yea.. earn quite decently but has then spend a lot more than previously. Everything now for me cost hundred or thousand.
It has been complicated, being sentenced to lifetime imprison is no better than hanging me to death. Might be the she just need time to focus on other things. Doesn't know if it's my fault or not. It's definitely torturous. But I willing to wait, willing to spend my time on it. Definitely I will. Let's be positive =)
Personal Interest;
I would really like to improve myself in any aspect. But time seems so limited and I started to procrastinate again and again. I need to pick myself up again and start to improve. In term of soft skills and technical skill whatsoever. I need to upgrade.
Career advancement;
Moving too slow or shall I say already stagnant for a long time. Nothing much advance. Many asked me if I think it's too much of waste to give up IT. Well.. it's always my wish to be back in IT industry. I will I vow, this year will be my year to advance myself in career and personal interest.
My future is purely lye on my personal interest and career advancement. Financially I believe it's in a stable mode. I just hope for a simple yet interesting life. =)
Game plan;
It's been my wish to able to be the top player instead of being look as a small fringe player. I will be the indispensable player in three years time.
Family affairs;
I have enough. I only care about my atomic family, I couldn't think too much on this nucleous family affairs.. Stop giving me trouble and let me stay in peace.
God bless. Om Mane Padme Hom. Amen. Amitabha. FUCK THE WORLD!