1. A Bloody Bragger - People who brag about small potatoes like it is very big, but has no significant impact (at very least to me, it's just too small potatoes)
2. A Blardy Boaster - If you do not has that capable please do not talk big.
3. A Liar - Do I need to explain another time? L.I.A.R is just liar, they lied every single thing, they never talk the truth.
4. A Cheater - What is the different between LIAR? Well Cheater shall moved to upper rank because, they promised you something but they either end up didn't fulfill it or they have forgotten it, or what they said is not meant to be.
5. A N.A.T.O. (No Action Talk Only) - Basically it's the same with cheater, TALK all the way... but didn't do anything, it's actually another joint with LIAR n CHEATER. They are just the same..
6. A Airplane Flier - It's actually the same too, where initially they said or promised but end up didn't turn up. It's a very very very bad thing you see...
7. No Trustworthy - This is freaking important, if anyone entrusted you with something, keep faith with it!! Trustworthy is very important!
8. Irresponsible People - Another stupid kind of people who is IRRESPONSIBLE!
9. Pretentious People - Just don't pretend, can't you just be yourself?
10. Act Cute People - Come on... What's the point?
Elaboration of People I Dislike
Friday, November 30, 2007 at Friday, November 30, 2007 Posted by Allan
Ten Types of People I Dislike
Wednesday, November 28, 2007 at Wednesday, November 28, 2007 Posted by Allan
1. A Bloody Bragger
2. A Blardy Boaster
3. A Liar
4. A Cheater
5. A N.A.T.O. (No Action Talk Only)
6. A Airplane Flier
7. No Trustworthy
8. Irresponsible People
9. Pretentious People
10. Act Cute People
Random Writing..
Tuesday, November 27, 2007 at Tuesday, November 27, 2007 Posted by Allan
In the middle of the night when I don't feel like sleeping, I tend to sit in front of the computer, and surfing around the internet, mind wandering everywhere especially to relationship... So today I have thought, I wonder what will people feel when they have a chance to meet up with the people they once like and somehow still have a little bit of liking toward her? So.... what do you do? I... just don't know how to act normal. Sigh....
Another Auto Post: Alfa Romeo
Monday, November 26, 2007 at Monday, November 26, 2007 Posted by Allan
To be frank, I don't particularly like Western design except BMW, and a series of Mercedes Benz, but this seriously caught my eye!! Alfa Romeo, my perception of AR is................ old hag car, conservation and fugly (of course that's only my opinion and many other feel it's nice actually) but have a look on the pics I uploaded, it somehow caught my eye! A new design from Alfa Romeo, the back is sexy! Oh yes!! Sexy Back!! Alfa also break the tradition to let end user to vote for the new model name, Furiosa, but somehow the meaning of Furiosa is not that good (according to AR management) and now they are trying to change it to another name... Nice? Yea I know, but let's keep our feet on ground............. Malaysia........................ well.. you know, I know?
What if DiGi & Time dotCom alliances fails?
Sunday, November 25, 2007 at Sunday, November 25, 2007 Posted by Allan
Everything seems so fine for Norway Telenor's DiGi and Time alliance, speculation saying it is a "win-win" situation for both company. The main reason for this alliance happen is that our "generous" federal government has not give a 3.5GHz spectrum license to the Norway company to develop on the WiMAX and 3.0G broadband business. Our "un-biased" Government has awarded all the licenses to the "not really well known" companies (which I assume that most of them are directly and indirectly related to GLC), of course there are also big companies get the license, like... MAXIS and CELCOM (sigh... GLC), while DiGi has proposed and queued up a few times for the license and yet.... the result is disappointing. So what DiGi has come up with? Use their company share to exchange the license with Time dotCom. Everything seems so fine....... until the last minute, our "Highly Intelligent" Federal Government has planned to take back all the WiMAX spectrum license back, are they targeting Telenor? To be fair, I'm not sure, it's reasonable for them to take back the license from the "not really well known" companies that has take the license for granted and do nothing for the development, not the one DiGi and Time dotCom sharing now. It really seems that the Federal Government has become extremely "fair" and not "bias" to foreign companies or shall I say.. anyone that has not the "same kind" with them?
VW = Volksvagen... a bit with proton
Wednesday, November 21, 2007 at Wednesday, November 21, 2007 Posted by Allan
Undisputed quality car maker from Germany which has the intention of taking stake into Proton, but due to the stubbornness of the government to maintain the "Malaysia Car", the take over has been delayed delayed and delayed. For almost 3 years of negotiation and from the source of Malaysian Reserves and The Edge Daily, and rumors flying around the information highway, it is said Proton and VW will come up with a new company, name? I'm not sure, but according to news, it is said VW will have 20% of stake, and Proton will have 80%, with VW having control in operation and management, while marketing..... might or might not be VW. So the rest will be Proton control. When will they sign the contract? I don't know man, Government has stated March 31 initially and then August 31 on second mention, and now is..... Nov 21st.... yet... only a Memorandum of Intention.... Aihz.. Procrastinator.......... Pak Lah oh Pak Lah.. pls don't win the election.... pls.....
p/s: They call the deal off... my sadness..... superlative.... no word to talk about it.. stupid gov.. DAMN!!
hey this post shouldn't be talking this... I actually intended to introduce my reader some real cool cars..
VW Scirocco
It might looks like a froggy car, but we can see the aggressive front with angry face like the lancer, relatively sexy back, curve, nice rims, sporty and compact. almost similar to our long lost beloved Proton Satria. Implanted with 1.4 liter engine producing 138HP, and 1.4 liter supercharge producing 168HP and 2.0 liter Turbo with 230HP!!! Freaking FAST!!!
VW TiguanThe second one will be an SUV, Spacious, Sporty, Sleek and MAN!! Tiguan will also be implanted with 1.4 liter turbocharged engine, or maybe you are rich enough get 2.0 liter turbodiesel both producing 200HP! LOL Do I need another Harrier? Nah... you can keep the Harrier yourself. I'm not sure how much is this car cost in our country, but it costs USD 22,400 for the basic spec, isn't that attractive!! Even times 4.... it's just... RM90,000!!! Less than Honda Civic you know!! Anyway, the last two picture is ABT tuned Tiguan while the earlier one is Original Tiguan.
Seriously, given a choice, I will buy this sorts of car! Not a plastic, milo tin, fragile Proton, PUI!!
Imagine this when you wake up.....
Tuesday, November 13, 2007 at Tuesday, November 13, 2007 Posted by Allan
After 9 months of tonnes of assignments, at last... u have some nice sleep, played a few days, then go for outing, shopping freely, enjoy non stop............................................
Then when you finally go to sleep at night....
And tomorrow when you wake up... you found out that your Final Year Project stucked on the Chapter 3, which is the Literature Review and you have 7 more chapter have not started.
What do you feel? I think I will give up man. LOL
Wednesday, November 7, 2007 at Wednesday, November 07, 2007 Posted by Allan
Additional Post :P
Monday, November 5, 2007 at Monday, November 05, 2007 Posted by Allan
"He who will not economize will have to agonize."
This is so damn true isn't it? Found in Confusion Thought.
Random Thought?
at Monday, November 05, 2007 Posted by Allan
Out of no where.. I have this thought,
If you are no one useful, people will not find you.
If you are not needed, they don't even bother to remember you.
If you are not even close, they don't even care about you.
If you are not important, all promises are just nonsense.
If you are useful, you don't even need to find them, they will find you.
If you are needed, they will be so good that they can be your best friend.
If you are important, they will shower you with praise.
This world is cruel isn't it?
Mazda Concept
Friday, November 2, 2007 at Friday, November 02, 2007 Posted by Allan
Mazda Kabura which the Japanese Car Maker said it's represent Arrow Spearhead, it is said one of the near production concept which will use to replace the old old old super drift car, Mazda RX-7. Yes Yes, the one Keisuke drove in the Initial D. It is said will use normal engine, no more rotary? I hope it will implant the new Rotary Renesis engine, Renesis 16x which will have 1.6 liter of capacity, and most importantly it is Rear Wheel Drive! :P
Next is Mazda Taiki
The new Mazda Taiki Concept presented at Tokyo Motor Show, but I think it's no where near production... However it is said that Mazda will implement the new Rotary Renesis 16x to this machine, and there are also rumour that the Rotary Renesis 16x will be implemented in the RX-8 too. Anyway anyhow, Mazda RX-8 will not be replace until 2011.... So.................... I can still have the chance to buy it :P at the age of.... 26 ? :P
Jay Chou New Song
at Friday, November 02, 2007 Posted by Allan
A song composed from the OST of "Secret", the music where "Xiao Yu" die because of asthma..
Random Feeling
at Friday, November 02, 2007 Posted by Allan
It's 2:21 am now... I'm not asleep yet.... Why? I'm not sure either....
Actually I am not very happy now, though everything ends, it seems I have something more serious matter awaiting me. I have no one to talk to about this matter, so I guess my room is the best place for me to puke out all my "secret"?
When I woke up today... When I thought I will have nothing to worry about...... less than 15 minutes of clear and free mind..... here it comes...
The "M" problems remain exist....... I totally have no idea why shall I have to take care of their problems, why can't I have a normal young adult life? It's always like that... I wonder why? I shall have guess it all when out of sudden in the morning when she took all the UT summary paper all over the floor.. Why the heck I need to bear all their wrongdoing? Do I have to?
Shouldn't one must responsible for their mistake? Why have I need to bother?
Why can't I have the care free feeling I suppose to have like all my friend? Why everything need to put on my shoulder... I'm only 22, yet I have to think like 32. Sometimes I doubt if this is a good thing or a bad thing, it somehow this problem also lead me to have the "M" attitude.
I pray for god that they can have a better mind set, stop having childish mindset, please do not watch the Taiwan "38" shows anymore.... I have sick of it that you shall not even thought of.. WTF with you? Adulteries is not the thing u shall think, go think how to make our life better. Collect all the debt people owe you before you have to pay for your debt.
Think smartly, learn learn learn!!!!!! WHY U STOP ONLY AT HERE!!!!! I HATE YOU!! I HATE STUPID PEOPLE!!! HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Update yourself!!!
I'm tired............ I sacrifice my dream for you all, I convinced myself dream is always a dream, will my sacrifices payoff? I don't know either.....
I just hope it will.... I don't need you to pay me sky high value, I hope you improve, improve your mind, improve our behavior, improve our life, have a better lifestyle....................
I hope everything will better after I have more control... I seriously hope so.....
Compact Renaissance Zero
at Friday, November 02, 2007 Posted by Allan
So.... those who has my MSN contact will see my nickname CRZ, so must be curious right? It's actually a concept from Honda. They are trying to replace the old old Honda Civic CRX (you know? those........ kereta seterika?) HAHAHA I doubt this will look like "iron" car... now it looks more like a froggie.
It's a nice design, but I doubt if there's powerful engine will be implanted into the car as Honda is now pushing for GREEN ENVIRONMENT, from the interview of Honda CEO, it is said it is near production and a Hybrid engine will be planted inside.
The design is futuristic, I just love the concept. There are more concept cars coming post. But I just love this!! HAHAHA But I guess it might not be able to get into Malaysia, because our government "don't like" Hybrid car, they are more focus on how to save the "Scrap Metal" company. Isn't this car nice?! LOL certainly is!