There's one thing I observed about people, poor people are always getting poorer while rich people are getting richer everyday, why? It is actually true to say poor people are not intelligent enough. Why would you say so Allan?! Though I'm not rich nor poor either I can see some of my friends only blames the rich eating up all the money. Well.... It's not wrong they take all the money from the market just because they can manage their wealth. While the poor will only spend when they got the money, those richies too were once as poor as you. Why they become rich after some moment? This is because they manage their wealth better than you! Not nice to hear, but it's true, lower class and middle class people spend their wealth buying cool stuff, cool wardrobe, branded stuff, or semi branded? Getting small gadget? I was once like that too, swipe my credit card to buy expensive stuff and ends up couldn't even able to pay half of the payment, thanks to my parents to help me to pay. (Stupid.. I know) Though I'm still obsess with Gadget though I dare not to swipe the CC anymore, some thinks it's cool to have a gold credit card, but hey, there's a reason why it is called CREDIT card. Cause whatever you bought with it, you OWE the bank money.
Back back to the title.. (Almost off topic) How the rich people able to buy Ferrari? Own Bungalow? Spend lavishly? This is because they way of handling the asset and property and also cash flow. Example, Ferrari, they might pay the loan by the interest they get from their investment into business (Don't tell me about FD ok? It nothing to me) Bungalow? They pay by their salary, spend lavishly by using the ROI of Unit Trust maybe? or KLCI? Who knows? While the poor people, get the salary from the company, and pay loan, pay fees, spend lavishly, buy branded stuff, buy unnecessary stuff, buy phone, buy PC, buy shoes, ends up....... left nothing before end of the month, and for the rest of the month, they suffer. See? Do you see the difference? You don't see anything? Then too bad..... Continue with you loaded outside and empty inside.
Sometimes people may look down at me for not wearing smartly, clothes are not branded, shoes are old, phone is lousy, not knowing high class place to dine, not knowing which is call high class and so on.. Well... like the hell I will care. True I do not know about this high class places because my financial status does not able to afford me to spend so lavishly. It is a true burden when the family letting you to manage the whole family expenses, it become more difficult when you know the source of income is so insecure and may vary from month to month. Now I know why my mother always having a headache when it comes to money. I shall thanks her for teaching me how important money is and how to spend money. I think this will help me to excel in managing my father business who has no sense of finance. I will not blame him because he has no education on finance, and if not because of him getting money for the family, I wouldn't be able to learn so much, I wouldn't be going to APIIT, I wouldn't to get know what is finance. I must thank them for their sacrifice for the family.
I must say...... making good use of financial management is good for business, life, and future. I hope the future will be brighter than ever! I will continue with my own goal!
Boss! Please bless me!
Loaded outside, empty inside! Stupid!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007 at Wednesday, June 27, 2007 Posted by Allan
Sony Ericsson New Toys
Saturday, June 23, 2007 at Saturday, June 23, 2007 Posted by Allan
So... This is the "babe" that everyone will looking forward to..
This is Sony Ericsson K850i, it features the 5.0 Mega Pixels (Wah lao yeh, 3.2MP also very big d, what's more 5.0MP?) Though the design a bit cacat for me.. The D-Pad........ it seem very convincingly put into the phone.. Didn't really go through the new phone, I have no idea how it was though.. but I personally think it's quite not ergonomic.
It featured the blue and green color, depends on you taste, I personally prefer the blur one.. :P
Those who love cam whoring shall anticipate this phone! How about this? This is SE W910i, it's a walkman phone designed in sliding mode. I do not really fancy about the design though.. again it looks a bit.... cacat.
Nothing much is featured in this phone.. Just a new Walkman 3.0, and "shaker" function? Where we can shake the phone to control the track.
There are more to come..... I'm rushing now :P
See ya
Why Lost?
at Saturday, June 23, 2007 Posted by Allan
You are not lost wor..
Well the path is there, the decision is yours, clear the mist, go through it, choose your path, put down the old luggage, throw it, life is too short for us looking back, the future awaits you, GO GO GO!! Find your happiness, don't let your stubbornness kills your happiness!
Dedicated for those who are lost
Sign off to perhentian SOON!!!!
My thought..
Friday, June 15, 2007 at Friday, June 15, 2007 Posted by Allan
Today is a normal day.
Yesterday I went to Borders and found two books;
Jack Welch: Straight from the Guts
iCon Steve Jobs The Greatest Second Act in the History of Business
These two men, Jack Welch and Steve Jobs are among the most successful business people around the world, not to mention Bill Gates, Jeff Immelt, "Mc" Donald Thrumph, local made Dato' Tony Fernandes, Lee Kha Shing and excreta.
Some people said these books are pure lies, some said it's bull shit, some said waste of my time. But I said these books are treasures,their stories are not necessary need to be followed by the readers, but their stories inspired a lot of good leaders around the world. Their impact towards the world is enormous!
No one ask you to follow their footsteps but their stories show their determination in creating a path of success. In these books you can see the progression of their career, how they manage their difficulty during hard time. Readers shall not read blindly, read and evaluate, that's the point. If applicable then please apply it to your life.
I was informed by my mum that I was selected to become the MC for the annual dinner along with two beautiful ladies. Hmm.... I'm not that convinced with the MC roles, I would rather to be part of the organizing committee. However, since been "selected" then why not give a PERFECT SHOT to the "last" MC role in the organization? Actually I'm looking forward to be partner with the two pretty ladies :P
Hmm... Ever wonder what will happened when two prodigies working on the same project? I'm looking towards it, it might be three or even four prodigies. It shall soon be realized next semester. LOL
Wish List
Wednesday, June 13, 2007 at Wednesday, June 13, 2007 Posted by Allan
Wish List Year 2007
Let's start with something really affordable
1. Jack Welch: Straight from the Guts (Please donate this book to me if you are able to :P)
2. Jack Welch: Success (My address is...... 36 Jalan Sinaran 3 Taman Sinaran 43200 Kajang)
3. Tie (I don't have one, I admit it LOL)
4. Razer or Logitech Wireless Combo set :P
5. A watch
Now something more expensive
1. Sony Ericsson P990i (Warranty by Thorus)
2. Nokia E61i (Warranty by Avaxx)
3. Dell Lattitude
Something not affordable
1. Honda Civic 2.0 i-vtec
2. Mazda 3
3. Mazda Kabura
HAHAHA well... i shall just keep on dreaming...
Tuesday, June 12, 2007 at Tuesday, June 12, 2007 Posted by Allan

What is freedom to me? Hmm.. I guess I have quite much of freedom.. But is that adequate? For me.. NO. Definitely NO. What kind of freedom I want then?
I want...... to choose my own profession, I want total control on what my decision, I want to have my own career, I choose to work what I want, I choose what kind of lifestyle I want. But somehow I cannot, I'm destined to be accept the fact, I cannot walk the normal path that everyone needs to walk. (To be precise, I will not be able to be an office exec, I can't know a lot of OL :P, I can't be "important person" in MNC company, I can't battle for climbing the corporate ladder, bla bla bla)
I'm destined to be work with my father, though not my dream, but I guess that's the only way that the family can get better living and make sure the business manageable. I can't blame my parents too, they do not have proper education. As the result the send me to UC, to learn and to be a educated person. Well.............. Just have to accept the fact. Might one day I can be another Mr. Tony Fernandes? LOL That would be great!!! LOL But still I love my freedom...

This is just so similar!
I fight for my freedom and rule my destiny!
Sign off and Nitex.
What a Day?!
Monday, June 4, 2007 at Monday, June 04, 2007 Posted by Allan
Today is my midpoint!!
I thought I have did my best but... it seems not a good one.. hmm
It's not a bad day actually, all goes well...
As I go down to take my car.. I found broken ladies under garment on the top of the car.. I used a paper to swap it away, then the water splash on my face.. WTF? Fine as I think it's nothing, the journey continues....
Reached Eugene house to get a tie. Bloody hell I don't have a tie actually. All the time I dun feel nice, I'm not sure what happened though.
Reached APIIT then went up for printing, for a stupid FYP, I paid 12.50 for printing and binding.
Then went to library to borrow some books.
Wait for my midpoint.. so stupidly alone.. saw her.. with her friend.. too lazy to greet her cos she's with the "ghey" friend.
Midpoint continues with Mr. Ratha, he's ok.. but indirectly he say my system no good, need more value.. Sigh...
Gone back to work, one and a half hour of boring class.
Go back... go into car.. reverse.. BANG! CHUN!
Talk talk talk.. then ends up surely I pay la..
Sigh Sigh Sigh.....
Money Flies, Marks Flies, "Friendship" Flies..
Sign off.. I'm dull...
What am I to her?
at Monday, June 04, 2007 Posted by Allan
Months ago.. I had a crush on a girl... I tried so many times to approach her.. after a few months of hard work, I did it.. I thought everything is going fine, but somehow when time goes by.. I found that I'm just too stupid to believe that when you treat a person nice, they will treat you nice too..
This is a definitely a NO NO, all the while, I'm just a floating wood that used by her to float when she's in the middle of the sea. Recalling what I have did for the past few months is really not worth it, I have been spending my precious sleep time to get contact with her, I would spend my time hanging out with her, I would spend my money on calling her, I would pay every single attention to her. What do I get in the end?
I get ignorance, the pain is unbearable, Why? Why? Why? Am I only worth to be her friend when there's no one wants to be with her, when no one good to her? Without a doubt I think I am, all the empty promises, all the lies, all the sweet memories are just a lie, a dream, a fantasy.
What am I actually?
Am I that bad? Am I that worthless? What have I did wrong?
I hate you!! I hate you!!
I wish we never met before!!
You lied me!
I seriously hate you!!
If I hate you that much, why are you always appearing in my mind!?! WHY??
I miss you in the same time.. Time to let go... I thought I forgotten you.. but it seems I did not managed to..
What you want now? WHAT YOU WANT!!
My life is happy without your existent! Why? Why? Why?
Why the heck you SMS me?
I hate you.. yet I miss you..
I'm so disappointed.........................................................